Sunday, May 8, 2011

Flashing While Guarding de_dust2 Site A

There are times when you have to guard the site A in de_dust2 all by yourself. If 3 – 4 Ts rush in from the short then most people, including you, will probably flee from the site. I’ll show you a trick that can come handy if you have a flash grenade with you. Using that you might kill 2 – 3 of them. Here’s a picture showing a CT looking for any Ts coming from the short.

CT guarding site A

The crates here provide you a very good cover if you know what to do with them. If you hear Ts coming, hide behind the crates and switch to flash grenade as shown.

Behind the crates

You will be able to see throught the slit between the bottom two crates. Throw the grenade through this when Ts approach this spot. If timed correctly, it will completely blind the rushing Ts. Use whatever weapon you are good at and burn them. Here’s a picture how it lands the spot.

Flashed A platform


  1. Another beautiful post. I didnt know flash went through that slit :O...isn't that too narrow? I guess I will try and find out....

  2. Thanx samiul... Yeah it's too narrow but still it works... :)) any grenade can and you can even awp through it... have fun...

  3. nice guideline :D
